Monday, April 4, 2016

Traveling while stationed in Aquadulce


"Today I got to visit this remote lake pronounced the (ye-gwa-dah). It was pretty cool. With the mountains in the back it looked a lot like Bear Lake in Utah."

"The trip up and back was crazy. It was so remote that little to no buses passed through. We essentially hitch hiked up there in the back of pick up trucks. Riding in the back was cool. Nothing to block the view of the mountains and the breeze was awesome."

"Some truck we rode together in today. This is the only one that had the protector thing. My comp is the one in the blue"


""This week has been pretty cool. This friday we had a missionary conference where a third of all the missionaries in the country gathered together to hear from the mission president. The other missionaries had their conference another day."

"Below is a picture I saw while I was sitting at a bus stop. Waiting to board a Chiva (van) crammed with people. The area smelled like urine. But that is every bus stop and after living here for a while, I didnt care and sat down anyways. HAha!!"

"While in the city, I was able to go find some really cool stuff. I bought some mola (material with designs sewed by the indigenous Kuna indians). Its pretty awesome. Also got some other cool stuff."

"Saturday I got to go through the temple here in Panama. It was beautiful! Its a little small, but the the spirit was so strong there."


"This week I had to go back into the city again. Go through immigrations again. That sucks. We get to stand in a super long line for over 4 hours with inconsiderate people that cut in front of you every 5 min because your a gringo.  I did get to go into the city and find some more cool Mola where they sell it really cheap. That was pretty sweet. "

"Another pic of the canal that I took in the bus while heading back home."    

- Elder Jaden Hawes

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