Monday, April 4, 2016

Jaden's 1st Transfer

Jaden was transferred to Panama City!


" Well..I'm not in Aguadulce anymore! The day before I left, I said my goodbyes and packed all of my stuff."  

"Me with Hermana Trejos for the last time. I gave here a a gift and included a card that had my testimony. She told me she wants to have [my] family over for dinner when [they] come."

"The other pic is me with my bags. Day I left Aguadulce." 

"Guess where...I'm in the city. I'm in an área called Panama viejo (old panamá). This área is pretty awesome and I'm really excited to be here. Its called Panama viejo because throughout my área there are ruins from some of the oldest buildings that exist in panamá. Supposedly they are from hundreds of years ago and many of the buildings were destroyed after a pirate named Morgan came threw and blew everything up. I'm going to take a preparation day during my time here in order to go see some of them up close despite walking past many of them daily. Its pretty awesome. I'm also pretty close to the beach in some parts of my área. Its kind of torture in many ways. I love going to the beach and constantly smelling the ocean knowing that I can never go is sad. I also plan to go see the canal in one of the coming weeks. I think that would be a pretty cool. My old área was a small town in the middle of nowhere. Now I'm in the city and have to memorize routes threw the city with metro, chivas (vans), and sometimes taxis. My área used to be unbearably small. However, they gave us the área of two other missionaries and now its pretty massive. I will need some time to adapt." 

"My new companions name is Elder Varguez and he is from Mexico. Hes a pretty awesome guy and I'm glad to be with him. I'm sure we will have a good time together."

"Our home is in an apartment. Sadly, we will have to move out of it before the end of the month so I have been living out of my suitcase. Its really nice there and I don't want to leave. Its got a beautiful view of the city and the ocean is also visible. I have been told it is the most expensive home in the misión. Costing like $800 a month. That is a ton! My last house costed like $150. So..I don't feel too bad leaving. That's pretty expensive."

"More pictures of the view. I love the sunsets"

"This is a pic of the view from my bed. Every morning I wake up at6:30 and see an amazing view to start off my day"

"By the house I found this awesome restaurant. Its mainly a fast food joint that specializes in patacones. You can buy a dozen of them for a dollar and that is a pretty good deal. When I went there, I got patacones, 2 pieces of smoked chicken, and some fried chicken hearts. It costed $3.00. I like that place. I figured I should try the fried hearts. They were actually pretty good."

"Well..that's pretty much it for this week. I still can believe I'm in the city. Its sooo much different than my old área. I now have to dodge and evade cars rather than packs of wild dogs. Hope all of you have a good week!!"

-Elder Hawes

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