"Yesterday, it rained and I saw one of the weirdest things I have seen (as far as bugs go). The streets, floors of stores, EVERYWHERE was covered in flying ants the size of wasps. They looked similar too. I believe they were all queen ants. I'm not sure.. but it was pretty weird."
"...a pic I took of the ground covered in the flying ants (imagine that everywhere)."
"An iguana that I saw while walking in the city. "
"Me holding a little crab I found."
"A sign that I saw walking up to where the canal is. Its no joke either. Like 5 min later I saw a massive one swimming in the water"
"I found this alligator walking through the city the other day. These gross looking rivers flow through the city and I didn't know they were infested with alligators. haha!"
"Here is a sloth. We visited a zoo today as part of a zone pday."
"[This pic] is a Harpy Eagle the official bird and symbol, I believe, of Panama. They are twice the size of a bald Eagle.
- Elder Hawes